Trial Status Conference Monday
1:30 pm (2nd and 4th Monday) typically two months before trial. This is an informal conference and remote appearances are permitted.
Pre-Trials  Monday 9:00 am (2nd and 4th Monday of the month)
Trials Monday Trials are typically set on a two-week docket beginning the Monday following the pretrial setting (1st and 3rd Monday)
Trial Scheduling Conference Tuesday 8:30 am (2nd and 4th Tuesday). An informal conference with the Court Coordinator to schedule a trial and set a Docket Control Order. Counsel may appear remotely.
Probate of Wills* 
Including 1-minute
Prove ups
Tuesday   9:00 am, 10:30 am, and 1:30 pm 
1-Minute Prove Up Checklist
*Will must be on file before setting a hearing. See rule TRCP 21(f)(12)
Heirships &
Wednesday  10:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:30 pm, and 3:00 pm
Heirship and Administrations Checklist
Guardianships Wednesday 9:00 am 
Uncontested Ancillary Thursday 9:00 am - for uncontested matters that may require a record
 Ancillary  Thursday  10:30 am, 1:30 pm, and 3:00 pm
 Submission Docket  Thursday  10:00 am. Submission Docket Policy

Uncontested hearings such as the Probate of Wills, and Heirships and Administrations do not have a court reporter. If you would like a record, please contact the court at (832) 927-1401 to request a docket with a court reporter.

All contested hearings, regardless of the type, have a court reporter.

To set a hearing, please call (832) 927-1401 or select "Online Scheduling" from the left menu.

Harris County Clerk's Probate Court Settings by case number.

Live broadcasts of hearings and trials

Probate Court 1 Channel 1 - all regularly scheduled dockets

Probate Court 1 Channel 2 - all trials and special settings