
NOTICE:  Probate Court 1 is open to the public. Many hearings and trials may be conducted either in person or via Zoom. Attorneys should update their notice of hearings to clarify that parties may appear in person or via Zoom. See "Information for Participants" for more information. 
General Courtroom Policies

Remote Proceedings

 Heirships and Administrations

  Probate of Wills

Personal Information Sheet

Small Estate Affidavit


 Submission Docket (every Thursday at 10:00 am)

  Pro Se (Parties without an attorney) Policy
Other Resources
 Handbooks for Personal Representatives and Guardians
  Ad Litems
For Lawyers
  • Succession Planning Toolkit (State Bar of Texas Law Practice Management Committee)
    • This Succession Planning Toolkit provides the information lawyers need to plan a smooth transition from the practice of law (due to retirement, disability, or death).
Probate and Guardianship Forms (Clerk's Office)
Probate Court Settings (Clerk's Office)
Judge's Annotated Checklists
 Live Streaming
 Local Rules and Administrative Orders